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Tattoo Aftercare

The average initial healing time can take up to four weeks. During the healing process, it is normal to have some discomfort, flaking and itchiness. Please do not pick! You will know your tattoo is healed when it has lost its glossy sheen. Avoid exposure to sun, open bodies of water, tubs while healing.Healing a tattoo is all about proper hygiene. Keep your fingers and other people’s fingers off the fresh tattoo; This can cause an infection and poor healing and/or color retention.


Normally it is advised to sleep in old clothing and very clean sheets. Residual pigment and or ink can stain your linens. But when using our preferred method of Saniderm you won’t have to worry about getting your clothing or bed linens stained.

It is normal for your newly tattooed skin to have a deep red color around the tattoo and to feel warm or even feverish for the first day or so. Gently wash your tattoo by hand with unscented soap and pat dry with a paper towel. Do not rub! Clean hands only, please!


Avoid soaking your tattoo in a hot bath during the healing period.

Your new tattoo will be very sensitive for several days. This is normal. Try to refrain from any exercise or excess sweating while it is healing. You should continue to moisturize the tattoo whenever it becomes dry.


Avoid scratching or picking at the dry, flaky skin that forms on your tattoo. This will cause a loss of color. Continue to moisturize the tattoo until this flaky skin falls off naturally. If your tattoo itches during the healing period, SLAP IT! The sting with subside the itching for a period of time.


You should avoid exposing your tattoo directly to the sun, tanning beds, saunas, and public swimming facilities. Prolonged exposure to the sun (even after healing) will DRASTICALLY damage your tattoo. If you must be in the sun, cover your tattoo completely or apply liberal amounts of waterproof sun block consistently though out the day. Your tattoo will look only as good as your skin is healthy. Continue to use a good quality skin moisturizer on your tattooed skin and the colors will remain vibrant and beautiful.

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